Trash Curt's Place

The Gamblorama Archives

The hosebag bunch

Welcome back to Trash Curt's Place!

This is the archive of an annual fishing trip that has taken place every Father's Day weekend since 1977. It's 5 close friends that started the trip in 1977 when most were in their mid-twenties. Another joined the gang for his first trip in 1982. Others have come and gone over the years but it has been the same six guys since the early 1980's. Al Davis first joined us in 1995.

The best time of the year for fishing is June, which is why we chose Father's Day Weekend. When it started, most of us did not have children, so leaving on Father's Day was not a big deal. When the children finally came along, we had their blessings. With that, most of us have never been home for Father's Day.

Gambling and games of chance seem to go hand in hand with guys and fishing trips. With some trips being rainouts, games of chance were the main event of the weekend. In the early 2000's, the fishing trip weekend was renamed "The Gamblorama" weekend. Sure, we still fish but Gamblorama sounds more fun!

Best Viewed on a PC or Tablet!

Our website is packed with stories, photos and videos from more the 45 years of our trips. While you can view it on a phone, it is best veiwed on a PC or tablet for the best viewing experience. If you get lost, all pages on the website are listed on our sitemap page or visit the past trips page .

Popular Pages on The Website

Gamblers and Fishermen

The photos and bios of every guy who has been on our annual Father's Day trip.

Where We've Been

Since our first trip to Pourvoirie Chico Brunet, we have been to 18 different outfitters, pourvoiries, lodges and cottages in the almost 50 years of our trip.

Silly and Stupid Photos

Photos your Mother wasn't supposed to see and other stupid photos.

Our Trophy: The Canette

The history and photos of our famous trophy including the winners list and a whole lot of crazy stats from almost 50 years of our trip.

Group Photos

While the core group remains the same, others have come and gone over the years. See all the group photos from our trips

Fallen Fishermen

We remember the gamblers and fishermen of the Gamblorama who left us too early.

The 2023 Gamblorama Crew

A Look Back At The 2023 Trip

Just as many of us were thinking of packing for the trip, a forest fire hit the area where we were going. It started on an island just three kilometers from the Eagles Rest and quickly jumped to the mainland. We followed the forest fire in the media and some wondered about making alternate plans for our trip. Just one day before we arrived, crews had extinguished the fire! We arrived to area and there was no smoke and the weather was perfect for the entire weekend!

We had a new fishermen and gambler on this trip. Most of us had known Richard Vien for years but not many knew is real name. The guy we know as Snoop fit it nicely with the gang.

We don't usually have much luck in the area because of the geography but this year was better than previous years. Species included smallmouth and largemouth bass, catfish, pike and lots of one-pound walleyes. Nothing huge was caught but Ron took home The Canette with a 4-pound largemouth and a 3.5-pound northern pike.

Gamblers and fishermen on the trip included Phil Anderson, Alvin Davis, Al Heaney, Kyle Heaney, Warren Kidd, Allan Macintyre, Richard Vien and Ron Zinn. There were no clear winners of the Gamblorama but Kyle, Alvin, Phil and Snoop might have gone home with heavier cans and bags.

The Story and Photos

Our Most Rescent Outfitters