After 5 fishing trips at La Pointe-a-David on the Baskatong Reservoir, it was time to try a new place. Club Fontbrune is on the Piscatosine Reservoir, north of Mont-Laurier, Quebec.
We discovered that Piscatosine is similar to Baskatong but on a much smaller scale. Still very large with a varied landscape, we found spots that looked excellent. Although no huge fish were caught, we pulled some memorable walleyes and northern pike.
Fishermen on the 1982 trip included Phil Anderson, Al Heaney, Warren Kidd, Al Macintyre and was Ron Zinn's rookie year.
Unforgettable to this day were the seagulls in the area. Most of them seemed to calling 'Al'. Our good natured but whack job friend, Al Macintyre kept looking to the sky and yelling "What?"
Date: Thursday, June 10 to Monday, June 14, 1982
Winner: Al Heaney with a 4.5 pound northern pike
Location: Fontbrune on Google Maps >>>