After the gang that attended last year, this was a nice peaceful trip. We took the "all inclusive" package this year and were introduced to a meal of bear balls (for real!) prepared by the owner's wife, Colette. We're still not sure what bear balls are, but they were tasty.
Dan Silcox introduced us to the term "pig movies". RKR started his tradition of making his midnight pizza that has continued to this day.
There were no trophy fish to talk about on this trip, but most of us caught at least a few walleyes and northern pike. No one will ever forget the flier for the nudist camp that Ron Zinn printed up and put in the cabins before everyone arrived. See it below.
As usual on most of our trips, the weather was perfect. We fished most of the weekend on the river between Piscatosine and Baskatong. This place is great for fishing but there are never any trophies to be caught around here. Everyone caught at least a few including northern pike and walleye. This area is insect country, and this year was by far the worst. Take your pick, there were plenty of every species: mosquitos, black flies and deer flies.
Fishermen on the 1984 trip included Phil Anderson, Al Heaney, Warren Kidd, Al Macintyre, Dan Silcox and Ron Zinn.
Date: Thursday, June 7 to Monday, June 11, 1984
Winner: Al Heaney with a 5 pound northern pike
Location: Fontbrune on Google Maps >>>