The 2019 Gamblorama

Eagles Rest - Griffith, ON

The trip with extra toilet paper!

After many consecutive June trips to Nangor Resort, we decided to move on. Barb at Nangor is a wonderful host, her cottages are excellent and fishing in the area is the best anywhere in the area. Boats and motors at Nangor were always questionable, which did not make it for a good fishing trip. For many years, we saw their boats crapping out in the middle of nowhere and having to be towed back, but most recently we had no boats at all! With that, we decided to move on. What's a fishing trip without boats?

The 2019 Gamblorama group

Fishing the Madawaska for the first time was not easy. With huge rock formations and high cliffs descending straight into the water made it difficult to locate all the sport fish. Some areas of the Madwaska are as much as 200 feet deep right offshore. If we return to the great Madawaska in 2020, we will do a little research before going and bring different equipment.

There were a few fish caught! Everyone caught at least one and species included smallmouth bass, walleye and a few small northerns. Phil was the most prolific fisherman and caught a bunch including a two pound walleye.

As usual on any Gamblorama, we were treated to Meaney's great breakfasts and Ron's late night pizza. This year, we were introduced to Der Zoiks Bauernhof Peanut Butter Cups and Der Zoiks Bauernhof Oatmeal/chocolate chip/raisin cookies. Both kept everyone smiling for the entire weekend!

Gamblers and fishermen at our 2019 trip at The Eagle's Rest included all the current regulars: Phil Anderson, Al Davis, Al Heaney, Kyle Heaney, Warren Kidd, Al Macintyre and Ron Zinn. Phil Anderson took home the canette for the second year in a row with a 2-pound pike.

Details of the 2019 Trip

Date: Friday, June 14 to Monday, June 17, 2019
Winner: Phil Anderson - Two Pound Northern
Location: Eagle's Rest Cabins on Google Maps >>>