The 2002 fishing trip to Pourvourie Riviere La Lievre was what some would call... a bust! The first hours of the June trip started with rain and it rained hard. The rain continued for the entire four day trip and it was torrential at times.
Players on the trip included Phil Anderson, Al Davis, Billy Hum, Ron Malloff, Warren Kidd, Al Macintyre and Ron Zinn. The two Ronnie's managed to get in a few hours of fishing on the first evening, but the wind and hard rain made fishing next to impossible over the following three days.
With the No Fishing sign out, the four day trip turned out to be one very long poker game. So who were the big winners on Fishing Trip 2002? Not Ron Zinn. He caught a few fish and was declared the winner of The Canette. The big winners of this trip were Bob and Louise Labonté, owners of Poufvoirie Riviere La Lievre, they pulled in $520.00 for 3 boat rentals that were never used!
Date: Friday, June 14 to Monday, June 17, 2002
Winner: Ron Zinn with a 1.5 pound white fish
Location: Pourvoirie Riviere La Lievre on Google Maps >>>