We didn't know what to expect when Al Davis won the trophy last year and decided to take us somewhere new. When we first heard the name "Ste-Emilie-de-l'Energie", there was a collective "Huh? What is that?" It turns out The Pouvoirie Auberge La Barriere in Ste-Emilie-de-l'Energie is an excellent place for fishing. The private territory features a dozen small lakes stocked with various types of trout. We fished four of the lakes: 2 lakes had small speckled and rainbows, one lake had large and very large speckled and rainbows, and one had artic char.
The territory also has every type of bug you can think of: Nice deer flies buzzed during the day, clouds of black flies came out at around supper time and mosquitos soon after.
Service and meals at The Pouvoirie Auberge La Barriere were excellent. At least two guys were available at all times to set up us up with a boat and get us off fishing and then again when we returned to count and clean our fish. The meals served were always excellent, the Auberge has a full time chef on staff.
Players and fishermen on the 2004 trip included Phil Anderson, Al Davis, Al Heaney, Warren Kidd, Allan Macintyre and Ron Zinn. The big winner of this trip was Al Macintyre who took home The Canette with a 7.1 pound rainbow, and pockets full of money playing cards.
Date: Friday, June 18 to Monday, June 21, 2004
Winner: Allan Macintye with a 7.1 pound rainbow trout.
Location: Auberge La Barriere on Google Maps >>>